Partisia Blockchain Airdrop

Join the Partisia Blockchain Airdrop to receive a share of the 25 million MPC tokens by connecting your Partisia or Metamask wallet, bridging tokens, and interacting with the blockchain.

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ProjectPartisia Blockchain

Partisia Blockchain allows users to compute all kinds of data while maintaining complete data privacy at rest, in transit, and in use. Partisia Blockchain offers trust, transparency, privacy, and speed-of-light finalization. It is a pioneering technology that redefines how we approach privacy and scalability on the blockchain.

Partisia Blockchain is airdropping a total of 25 million MPC tokens to users who join the airdrop program. Connect your Partisia or Metamask wallet, bridge tokens and interact with the blockchain to get a share of the airdrop tokens.

Step-by-step guide for the Partisia Blockchain Airdrop

  1. Visit the Partisia Blockchain bridge page.
  2. Connect your Metamask wallet or MPC wallet. :
  3. You will need ETH or USDT on Ethereum, BNB on BNB Chain, MATIC or USDC on Polygon. You can get these on Binance.
  4. Now, bridge the tokens to the Partisia Blockchain’s MPC-secured bridge.
  5. Also, try to transfer tokens between wallets, deploy contracts with DApp playground and mint a domain on MetaNames.
  6. Join their Discord channel and engage in the Airdrop program channel. More activities will be announced on their Discord channel.
  7. At the end of the airdrop program, which is yet to be announced, eligible participants will get a share of 25M MPC tokens based on the on-chain activities.
  8. For more information regarding the airdrop, see this

Related: Airdrop


(1 vote)
  1. Avatar of Loveday Onyema
    Loveday Onyema

    How does it work and how to get the Airdrop

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